Dead or alive that’s the question Quantum theory teaches a lesson. Heisenberg’s uncertainty, Pauli’s exclusion Are they a principle or just an illusion?
In the beginning there was a grand unification Pure energy in infinite concentration Size was zero but uncertainty, the hero Came to the rescue and soon the Universe was born
A fantastic eruption, perfection corruption A swarm of charged particles causing massive disruption Uniformity occurred because of inflation Its signature can still be detected in the background radiation
A primordial fireball, a plasma of high energy photons First quarks were confined, allowing neutrons and protons After one million years, the era of recombination Heralded Hydrogen and Helium formation
Gravity created stars of the first generation Supernovae exploded, thereby re-creation Galaxies and clusters formed from density fluctuation Receding to this day, with red shifting radiation
Galaxies are swirling, Black Holes are storming Stars are burning, elements are forming Neutrons, Protons, Electrons and Quarks Sub atomic particles create electric sparks